Hello everyone! My name is Nikki Giovanni (known on Stardoll as 2peicesofcandy1). I am THRILLED to announce to you that I am the new writer for Elite Diary! It is a SERIOUS honor and I would like to thank all of our readers for staying tuned to Elite Diary during its renovations!
Next I would like to tell you a little bit more of the story line for the NEW Elite Diary. You may or may not know that I am Baya’s personal assistant. Elite Diary will now be based off of my hectic life as an assistant for one of the most well known girls on Stardoll, Baya Nikolas. Of course, most of it will be false but I will add a little bit of reality too. Thank you so much for reading. Its a true honor to write for you.
NIKKI! WOOHOOOO!!! *jumps around the room*
Lol i know this is random but im kinda happy for you? because I remember you from APG
so congratulations (:
I remember you too! I've seen you around a couple of times. Thanks!
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